Saturday, October 23, 2010

How the fuck is a genre of music a team?

Seriously, a contributing factor as to why I am a fan of the Penguins is because a Penguins is one BAMF of a mascot. Plus they're just so cute!

So I admittedly took a peak at the Blues's roster to see if there was anyone on the team I could easily make fun of. Here is what I discovered.

A man by he name of BJ Crombeen. No explanation needed. I do believe this gets added to the list of terrible names. Right up there with Douchon Mandick. Looks like someone was home-schooled.

Aaaand unfortunately the Penguins meet their achillies heel tonight, a man that played a huge contribution to the Penguins loss in the Stanley Cup Finals. Halak. Or as us jews like to say... Challah
Hopefully this time the Pens can devour him, like I do every Shabbos. GOOOOOO!!!!! Penguis!

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