Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Game 13 Dallas wins 2-5. Fml


I h8 texas.  They are the second biggest state in America, and if you cut Alaska in half they'd be the third. Don't let any stupid ass texan tell you different.

Dupes's wife is currently giving birth, so he wasn't present. Staal was also absent (I'm sure you've heard of his broken hand). Supposedly he's out for six weeks, but we all know he'll gronk it out and be back in around two..

The Pens didn't realize that this was a hockey game apparently.  Perhaps they thought it was a boxing match?

Sido's 3rd career fight!
Good to see him dominate.
Letang and TK also dropped their gloves, but no one cares enough to put up a video I guess.
Either way the Pens basically won every fight.  They just couldn't deliver the goals

Comrie got his first would be goal in a Pens uniform.  Too bad the refs called it back cause he "hit" it in with his glove.  Bullshit.

TK with the first "real" goal.  Cookie with the second.

Beej was off for the first time of the year. Dunno what was up. He just looked uncomfortable... weird for him. Apparently he and Flower are unstoppable in practice.  Let's see this in games boys!

Fucking sick picture. Too bad the game wasn't as cool.  Why does Engelland look so happy?

Another hella cool photo.  Someone please buy this for me.

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