Saturday, November 6, 2010

Politician + Religion =...Hockey?

It's time for another addition of....dun dun da dum dum daaaaaaa! Crossbreeds!

We all know Maxime Talbot for his majestic hockey playing, his fighting skill and of course his charismatic personality. But some of us wonder where all this came from. Well I've done some extensive research, and this is what I came up with.

For those of you who may not live in the state of Alaska, this is Joe Miller. He recently ran for U.S. Senate. He is probably going to loose, but is being a douche and wasting time and tax dollars to have his opponent's (Lisa Murkowski, who lost against him in the primary, and who is now a write in candidate) write in votes counted. (Which I would like to add he did not sign himself up as a write-in candidate so they shouldn't be counted but anywho). Although I don't agree with his politics, I couldn't help noticing on all those signs the tea party has posted all over the city, his facial similarities between him and Maxime. Hopefully the only genes shared here are the ridiculously fast growing facial hair and the same cheesy smile.

I believe it is possible Maxime inherited his charisma from this rabbi. Notice how this rabbi is exhibiting camera-hog-like behavior much like Maxime demonstrates in that car commercial he did (Chicka cheee!). I always did believe Talbot was part jewish, just look at him! His has Carnegie Deli written all over his face. I know what some of your are saying "But Hannah, he's french Canadian." Well for that I have an answer. There was this thing called the HOLOCAUST in which many Jews had to leave their homeland and go to a safer country. In the Tablot ancestors case that safer country just happened to be Canada.

And that concludes this times rendition of crossbreeds!

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